There are many solutions to stay safe in Craigslist, but it surely is especially important to use good sense when dealing with strangers. You should never offer any information that is personal to an unidentified individual. In addition , always meet in a well-lit, intensely trafficked place. Never connect with in the home of somebody you satisfied on Craigslist, and if you must meet within a public place, do so within a busy parking lot.

If you plan to get something via a new person on Craigslist ads, make sure you connect with in a community place. Particularly if you’re ordering something pricey, make sure you match in a restaurant or other general population place. No longer give out your credit card facts to a new person on the Internet, even if you don’t know them very well. If you don’t have the funds offered, consider applying PayPal. This payment approach has 0 % credit check requirements, and you can pay off through your PayPal account.

Leaving your 2 cents your telephone number on Craigslist is risky since it invites scammers and info theft. Use a Yahoo Tone number rather. This will allow one to accept cell phone calls and texts via a different number. Also, use an email address that protects your identity. Your local craigslist ads offers proxy email that can be used for your correspondence. If you are unsure of they’ve identity, you must move on to an alternative post. It’s best to stay specialist when buying or selling on Craigslist. May expect to make friends.

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